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Jaguar & Daimler Car Lovers Australia

223 Jones Gully Road Crows Nest Qld QLD 223 , QLD

Expressions of interest in forming a new club dedicated to supporting club members in the preservation of all Jaguars and Daimler cars built from 1960 through to 1992. Regional clubs will be necessary in all states. Proposed monthly newsletter, monthly local social get togethers, quarterly mechanics outing, vehicle and parts listings and a proposed annual getaway hosted by each state. It is proposed the Newsletter will be built up to contain social news, restoration updates and a listing for parts and cars. Also included will be “barn finds” news about car museums and lost collections.

This club will be built up to exchange information, build relationships throughout the regional clubs and internationally with like minded individuals or businesses. There were many Jaguars and Daimlers delivered to Australia during the years mentioned and it is hoped with a new club devoted to these models then there will be some chance of you continuing to see these magnificent vehicles out and about on the road. If interested in becoming involved in a new club then please contact via email or mobile no. PS Remember this is only an expression of interest. If there are those out there who own these marques and are looking for an additional or new interest then make contact. If there is sufficent interest then the club name will need to be registered in each state.

To enable distribution of information and to save cost the internet will be used, save a few individuals who prefer hard copy distribution. A small annual member fee to cover admin/government costs will be proposed. Dating of cars will be done by an approved member locally with cars that are hold vintage car registration attending a minimum of two club run events or meetings a year. Each local club will maintain a register of club runs/meetings and those vehicles attending with an annual report completed. It is proposed that those members who do not attend without good reason will have their membership cancelled. Club members need to accept that there will be sharing of information both personally and vehicle ownership.

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